I'm Lindsey. I am the biggest hyperbolist on the planet. If you're not a total weirdo, you can shoot me an e-mail at theogeo [at]
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- [About London]I'm deeply sorry for those who have ...
- [You shouldn't think what you're feeling]• I don't...
- [Instincts are misleading]The weekend was fun, but...
- [Can't you feel the warmth of my sincerity?]From G...
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When You Are Engulfed in Flames
by David Sedaris
Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You
by Sam Gosling
My Education
by William S. Burroughs
by Norman Rush- Check out my book reviews and more at The Shelf Life, a book blog by the CA.
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Friday, July 15
All content copyright © 2003-2008 Me.
Original template by Blogger; cut up and Theology&Geometry-fied
by Lindsey Turner with a background from Squidfingers.
Fuck, Yeah! That was cool. And hail satan to you too Phil.
Cool!! You got it to work!! It's so easy isn't it?
I can't believe how bored and miserable you sound. Maybe it's because of all that satan hailing.
Satan hailing causes sinus infections, which cause voices to sound bored and miserable. So yeah, it's the Satan hailing. Didn't see that coming!
All hail the dark master
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