[Saturday is for suckas]

I just became eligible for my company's 401K program! Another life milestone's ass kicked! Too bad I am completely clueless about how to invest. Eh. I'll figure it out.
I've decided to move the Leslie-ometer and the Roach Ranker to beneath the archives. And Roach Ranker is now Roach Ratio, since it wouldn't be fair to leave out all the other bugs and spiders I find. Shudder.

I just became eligible for my company's 401K program! Another life milestone's ass kicked! Too bad I am completely clueless about how to invest. Eh. I'll figure it out.
I've decided to move the Leslie-ometer and the Roach Ranker to beneath the archives. And Roach Ranker is now Roach Ratio, since it wouldn't be fair to leave out all the other bugs and spiders I find. Shudder.
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