Saturday, February 19

[This little red book knows]
Kristin, Nick, Brandon, and Rachelle (the new photo editor) paused for a bit during their trek to Louisiana. We ate fatty barbecue at Neely's on Mt. Moriah Road. It was good to visit and catch up. It's been a while since I've seen people I know, and I miss them so.

Then I read that they blew a tire in the wasteland that is Mississippi, and hung my head in pity. That sucks. But they made it.

More familiar faces will parade through the apartment this weekend. Phil's brother, Rickey, is here tonight. He's at that age and his voice is suddenly deeper than it was weeks ago. Very strange. They're watching Eerie, Indiana episodes, rescued from television rigor mortis by the magic of DVD.

Tomorrow night Amber and Whitney will be here. I'm looking ever so forward to the company. In the not too distant future, Amber will be leaving Southampton, probably coming back to Tennessee. Whitney wants to move back to Memphis and Amber needs a place to live. I don't see why they can't shack up. All the cool kids are doing it. I keep planting subtle seeds in her head that Memphis is a great place for a writer. I don't know if that's true. But to make my case stronger, I printed out the U of M's English graduate program catalog. You know, for bathroom reading or whatever.


Blogger phallicpen said...

You wascally wabbit.

Sat Feb 19, 03:56:00 PM  

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