Sunday, February 13

[Git-R-Done & Yee-haw, a tale of two lovers]
Been sort of sitting around half-watching a Cheap Trick video marathon. Things have been pretty low-key this week. We searched in vain for the Camino Real equivalent, but were burned by El Patron. They got my order wrong and their taco salad fajita sucked. The bar is probably too high, but there's no reason to lower it now. We can never again go back to eating mediocre Mexican. Today we tried the Cock-eyed Camel, which I suspected would have a seedy frat-boy sort of feel. It did. We paid $20 for tiny sandwiches and steak fries and they got my order wrong. Anyway, meals are much better when they're cooked by your boyfriend and waiting for you in the fridge when you get home at 12:30 a.m. Long-grain rice, Dale's chicken, and garlic bread: the holy trinity of Capt. Weaver cuisine.

It was pretty rainy and gross today. It looks to be sunny on my days off, which might coax me out of bed. I want to do something to properly introduce myself to this city. So far I've been wallflowering it up, sitting on the sidelines of the dodgeball game, waiting for just the right time to join.


Blogger phallicpen said...

Aw, he made you a plate? Suhweet.

Tue Feb 15, 03:07:00 PM  

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