Friday, August 31

Day 243 — Changing

changing — aug 31

I stepped outside today and was hit with a lack of heat. If that's possible. This month — the hottest on record for Memphis* — has just been day after day of punishing heat. I've avoided going outside except to walk to and from my car and to and from various doors. The humidity has been like a warm, wet washcloth atop my lungs. The sun has been white-hot, baking every surface it touches.

And then today, well, I go outside and instead of it feeling like I'm diving — clothed — into a warm swimming pool, it felt like entering into air.


I can't wait for fall.

*Check out the awesome conspiracy theory in the comments of that story. The CA and MLGW are in cahoots! Because, uh, CA employees don't have to pay their electric bills, or something...

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