Brandon, we found the Apple store ...

Bizarro Carol Burnett and Jay Leno
... and it's as sparse and utilitarian as I could have imagined.
The new iMacs come with a built-in camera and a program called Photo Booth, which lets you make silly pictures like the one above just by sitting in front of your computer and pressing a button. I also really love the new OSX Dashboard widgets and the Mighty Mouse. Apple, why are you constantly giving me object lust?
Saturday morning, Brandon and I went downtown to look for apartments for him (in case he gets the job at the CA) and we had the pleasure of meeting the craziest leasing agent in the Mid-South. She went from perky to insane in about 10 minutes, and had one of those inappropriately timed laughs like crazy psychos tend to have. And she took about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, to show us two freaking units. So I'm afraid the three-hour apartment hunt was a bit of a bust, but there will be other chances.
So, B-Mo, let me know when you hear from the CA.
Hey, you do look like Carol Burnett. Tug on that earlobe for me.
Look at that little scarf. You're a regular customer at American Eagle, aren't you?
Brandon, congratulations! I'll give you a call some time tomorrow to see what else you found out.
Aambré, close — I waited outside AE and whaled on the first 15-year-old who came out, took the scarf from her bag, and stomped on her celly.
i'm glad you enjoyed our store...we strive to maintain an environment conducive to creativity...if you need anything don't be shy.
Drew -
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