Monday, February 5

That much further west

One good thing about living in extreme West Tennessee is that it means when I travel to see friends and family, if I time it just right, I can drive back home alongside the sunset, and watch the sky slide from blue to orange to pink to purple to black as the sun outruns me.

This weekend I made it up to Nashville to visit Tamara for a couple of days. We sipped our way through several bottles and several varietals — of all colors and consistencies — and damn near broke her corkscrew when we came to the final corked bottle (thank God for screw-tops). We drove up to Percy Priest Lake to take photos and gaze out over the lake in the late afternoon sun. We giggled at M*A*S*H episodes. We baited the cat into shredding our hands. We ate brie and gouda and crackers and fruit. We sipped on plastic cups of Big House Red while watching Pan's Labyrinth at the Belcourt. We ducked into and out of stores in search of a working bathroom. We endured a surreal moment of pure WTF-ness as a convenience store clerk practically molested Tamara's gloved hand. We grimaced and grumbled at the Girls Gone Wild bus that settled into a parking spot in front of the sports bar beside Boscos. We watched as much of the Puppy Bowl as we could stomach.

It was a fantastic weekend.

Thanks for being such a good host, TB.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, LT! It was SO great to have you here. I wish we lived closer so we could hang out more often. Thank YOU for a great weekend! If we ever live closer I promise not to inflict so much M*A*S*H on you at a time. But you were a daring and very good sport, and I LOVE that you loved Klinger. I'd probably love it if you loved Frank Burns!

And now you've made such a great post about the visit that mine is just going to fade in comparison. You have such a way with words! Something I never mentioned while you were here: you continually impress me with your speech. I feel dumb sometimes listening to you, and that's not a lie. If either of us has to worry about communicating our thoughts verbally, it's you, not me. :)

But, once again, I had such a great visit, and I can't wait for the next one!

Still writhing squeamishly from Pan's Labyrinth,

Mon Feb 05, 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, I said that backwards!

I'm laughing my ass off at my own stupidity!

I meant to say, "If either of us has to worry about communicating our thoughts verbally, it's me, not you!"

And that wasn't a Freudian typo, either. Just so you know. That was me being a moron.

Mon Feb 05, 10:39:00 PM  
Blogger theogeo said...

Ha ha! That's hilarious. I told you — you and me, we're a total mess.

I have to be totally honest — I really do like M*A*S*H and I wasn't just braving it. After a while it does start to grow on you: You get interested in the characters and the story arc and you start to pick up on the running gags. You'll make a fan of me yet!

Wanna know what's funny? Take that second paragraph you wrote (plus the edited second sentence) and apply it to you, and that's how I feel.

Now I shall issue a challenge: For every two chapters of Rebecca I read, you have to e-mail me a new story.


Mon Feb 05, 10:47:00 PM  
Blogger Lynnster said...

Aw man... you should have dropped by the Mothership for a few minutes. Everyone would have loved to have seen you!

If I ever stop going to Nashville on my days off (ha!) we'll have to do Huey's soon...

Mon Feb 05, 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you liked M*A*S*H! Hopefully you'll start trolling TVLand for reruns, and - if not - you'll ask me to send you some bootlegged episodes!!

And you don't feel like that about me. I have a pretty strong argument for some future time. But for now I've had entirely too much wine.

Mon Feb 05, 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and your challenge is totally a deal. You just tell me when you've completed two chapters, and I'll totally send you more stuff. Even if I have to write a novel.

Tue Feb 06, 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That "you don't feel that way about me" remark sounds pretty strong in the harsh sunlight of sobriety this morning. I had some insanely long comment typed about how awesome your ability to express yourself is, and how mine sucks, but in my drunken state I navigated away from the page and couldn't get back to it. Sigh. Yep, total mess. ;)

Tue Feb 06, 10:23:00 AM  

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