Wednesday, November 16

Confessions of a Madonna-phobe

Okay, I'll make this quick since I've got a mint julep mask hardening on my face, impeding my ability to take myself seriously.

I actually like the new Madonna single, "Hung Up."

This is new for me. I generally think Madonna is pretty lame. The last time I thought otherwise was when I pranced around in a tutu in my parents' basement to "Like a Virgin."

I can do without the stereo-humping, lycra-clad video for "Hung Up," however, because it makes me feel like an inferior human specimen. And I still think Madonna is pretty pretentious and lame, but I don't mind her so much when she just makes groovy, insipid music to bob your head to. As long as she's not proselytizing about anything, I can deal with her very existence.

Sweet, it's time to rinse.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mint julep? Is that similar to what we wore in that awesome SWISH video that was tragically taken from us before its time?

Thu Nov 17, 09:23:00 AM  

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