Friday, March 30

Everyone's asleep

Except me, naturally.

We had a good day, as far as I can tell. My sister and nephews cruised into town around noon, and we sat and caught up for an hour or so before swinging by Phil's to pick up his brother and cousin, and driving down to the Gibson factory for the 2 o'clock tour. It was really interesting to see people making shiny, $3,000 guitars from blocks of wood. We couldn't hear a word the tour guide said. He yelled at us when we veered from the group to talk to Phil at his workstation. I was embarrassed, like a schoolgirl admonished for running in the hall.

After lunch at the Bigfoot Lounge, Casey was acting kinda surly and pre-teeny, sulking and such, so I serenaded him with an improvised song ("OH, CASEY! WHY ARE YOU SO GRUMPY! I JUST WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY, SEE! OR I'LL KEEP SING-IIING!") in the street as strangers tossed quizzical glances our way. I embarrassed him so much he finally perked up. It was a very proud auntly moment for me.

We headed east to the Paradiso to catch a 3-D showing of Meet the Robinsons. What a schizo mess of a movie that is. Lots of small funny parts, and really fancy computer animation, but way too long and a little too, um, WTF for me. Perhaps I just don't get kids' movies/TV these days. I mean, I barely understand Spongebob Squarepants.

But I do love me some 3-D movies. I've amassed quite a collection of glasses that are tossed in the back seat of my car.

Tomorrow we're going to head up to Summer Avenue for some putt putt and thrift-store shopping. I've promised Patrick we'll eat at Huey's. He wants to shoot toothpicks at the ceiling. And what kind of aunt would I be if I said no to that?

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Blogger phallicpen said...

Alls I knows is, SpongeBob has a snail that meows named Gary. And that, my friend, is cool.

Sat Mar 31, 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a great auntie you are..Huey's, putt-putt, shooting toothpicks..nirvana!

Sat Mar 31, 09:59:00 PM  

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